Purgadores de disco

4 empresas | 20 productos
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

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purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor

The DT40/2 thermodynamic disc steam traps are compact and lightweight, easy to install traps, excellent for high pressure systems and steam tracing applications. The insulation cover ensures a consistent operation and ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de disco
purgador de disco

Presión: 42 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 1.040 kg/h
Temperatura: 300 °C

The DT42/2 thermodynamic disc steam traps are compact and lightweight-easy to install traps, excellent for high pressure systems, including steam tracing applications. These traps have only one moving part and offer ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor

Presión: 46 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 800 kg/h
Temperatura: 400 °C

The DT46 thermodynamic disc steam traps are compact and lightweight, easy to install traps, excellent for high pressure systems and steam tracing applications. The insulation cover ensures a consistent operation and makes ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados

Presión: 0 bar - 14 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 7.300 kg/h
Temperatura: 250 °C

The FLT27 is a range of float and thermostatic steam traps with integral air vent designed for modulating discharge of condensate, ensuring maximum system heat transfer. Typical applications include unit heaters, heat exchangers, dryers, ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor
IB12 / IBB12

Presión: 0 bar - 14 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 1.670 kg/h
Temperatura: 198 °C

The IB12/IBB12 is a series of general purpose robust and versatile inverted bucket steam traps manufactured in SG iron. These steam traps operate intermittently and are suitable for use with saturated or superheated steam. Typical applications ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor
IB36S / IB36i

Presión: 5, 10, 15, 27 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 610 kg/h
Temperatura: 400 °C

The IB36S/IB36i is a series of robust and versatile inverted bucket steam traps manufactured in carbon steel/stainless steel. These steam traps operate intermittently, and are suitable for use with low to high pressure saturated or superheated ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados
BM20 / BM20i

Presión: 0 bar - 17 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 1.850 kg/h
Temperatura: 250 °C

The BM20 series bimetallic steam traps and air vents are simple and robust traps, recommended for steam process applications where condensate sensible heat can be recovered, steam tracing lines, drip points, storage tank coils, steam ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados

Presión: 0 bar - 17 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 1.840 kg/h
Temperatura: 250 °C

The BM20R series bimetallic steam traps and air vents are simple and robust traps, recommended for steam process applications where condensate sensible heat can be recovered, steam tracing lines, drip points, storage tank coils, steam ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados

Presión: 0 bar - 24 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 9.000 kg/h
Temperatura: 250 °C

The BM24 series bimetallic steam traps and air vents are simple and robust traps, recommended for steam process applications where condensate sensible heat can be recovered, steam tracing lines, drip points, storage tank coils, steam ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados

Presión: 0 bar - 32 bar
Caudal: 0 kg/h - 3.500 kg/h
Temperatura: 300 °C

The BM32 series bimetallic steam traps and air vents are simple and robust traps, recommended for steam process applications where condensate sensible heat can be recovered, steam tracing lines, drip points, storage tank coils, steam ...

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VALSTEAM ADCA Engineering S.A.
purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor

Presión: 21 bar
Caudal: 440 kg/h
Temperatura: 426 °C

... corrosión. La entrada de condensado por debajo del disco, concéntrica al disco/asiento asegura una elevación limpia y paralela del disco con respecto al asiento, eliminando el desgaste ...

purgador de condensados
purgador de condensados
711/721 series

Presión: 41 bar
Temperatura: 400 °C

purgador de vapor
purgador de vapor

Presión: 16 bar - 40 bar

... Cuerpo: Acero al carbono, acero inoxidable Tapa: Acero inoxidable Disco de sellado: Acero inoxidable Tapa: Acero inoxidable Diámetro nominal: DN15 a DN50 Diseño y fabricación: EN26704, ISO6552 Dimensión cara a cara: ...

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