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Molino de martillos
para pajade cerealesde trigo

Molino de martillos - AMANDUS KAHL - para paja / de cereales / de trigo
Molino de martillos - AMANDUS KAHL - para paja / de cereales / de trigo
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de martillos
Aplicaciones del producto
para paja, de cereales, de trigo, para especias, para hierbas aromáticas, para malta, para caña de azúcar, para madera, para biomasa
Otras características
robusto, potente


Our KAHL hammer mills are used for grinding of feed components and mixtures, but also for all types of grain, straw, wood and similar products. They are characterised in particular by their flexible application, in addition to simple operation and handling. The machine works according to the principle of crushing by multiple impact, so that the most effective crushing takes place by the direct impact of the hammer mill beater on the product. The circumferential speed of the beater tip is approx. 360 km/h. Accordingly, screen perforations, beater designs, beater arrangements and speeds can be adapted to the structure and fineness of the end product. The final size of the grain is determined by the setting of the screen hole diameter and the mill speed. The product only leaves the hammer mill when it is smaller than the screen hole diameter - in approx. 95% of cases the products are smaller than half the screen hole diameter.


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