Plataforma elevadora móvil KBO 01L
eléctricade interiorpara pasillos muy estrechos

Plataforma elevadora móvil - KBO 01L - Baoli EMEA S.p.A. - eléctrica / de interior / para pasillos muy estrechos
Plataforma elevadora móvil - KBO 01L - Baoli EMEA S.p.A. - eléctrica / de interior / para pasillos muy estrechos
Plataforma elevadora móvil - KBO 01L - Baoli EMEA S.p.A. - eléctrica / de interior / para pasillos muy estrechos - imagen - 2
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Tipo de motor
de interior, para pasillos muy estrechos
Otras características
Altura de elevación

5.000 mm
(196,85 in)


90 kg
(198,4 lb)


The KBO 01L is the new Baoli multifunctional vehicle, representing a new generation of trucks, able to guarantee optimal handlings in smaller volumes. If compared to its competitors the KBO 01L excels for a really intuitive interface. Indeed instead of complicated turning systems our truck offers a very simple steering wheel, making very easy and precise any movements inside narrower aisles and cornering. This increases a lot the operator safety preserving the goods as well. Thanks to its very compact design and low weight this truck has been designed for very narrow aisles, and it’s really perfect for any retail environment. With an up to 5,0 m picking heights and 90kg of load capacity, the KBO is always guaranteeing a very good efficiency when goods need to be picked or stored in shelves and racks and whenever is needed a 3m elevating platform. Safety comes first, as usual for Baoli, with this truck. Reduced travel speed and automatically locked doors when operator platform is lifted, sensors on the handles to detect operator's correct driving position, emergency control of the lifting function and emergency valve for lowering the operator platform are true safety factors. Everything comes easy with this truck, without forgetting the operator comfort as well: an optimized operator drive place, with the comfortable platform, the storage compartments and with the already mentioned user-friendly controls, allows less efforts during the working day. Proportional drive controls allow to perfectly manage the traction functions and the electric lifting platform of the truck. A maintenance free Lithium-ion battery and on-board charger guarantee a high truck availability.



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Este distribuidor estará presente en las siguientes ferias

LogiMAT 2025
LogiMAT 2025

11-13 mar. 2025 Stuttgart (Alemania) Hall 10 - Stand 10C57

  • Más información
    * Los precios no incluyen impuestos, gastos de entrega ni derechos de exportación. Tampoco incluyen gastos de instalación o de puesta en marcha. Los precios se dan a título indicativo y pueden cambiar en función del país, del coste de las materias primas y de los tipos de cambio.