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Martillo para instalación EH 3713 series
para obrade albañilde impacto

Martillo para instalación - EH 3713 series - HALDER France - para obra / de albañil / de impacto
Martillo para instalación - EH 3713 series - HALDER France - para obra / de albañil / de impacto
Martillo para instalación - EH 3713 series - HALDER France - para obra / de albañil / de impacto - imagen - 2
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para instalación, para obra, de albañil, de impacto
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de caucho

Mín.: 449 g
(15,8 oz)

Máx.: 1.715 g
(60,5 oz)


The SIMPLEX series 3713 is available with the insert combination of TPE-soft / TPE-mid. Both inserts are thermoplastic elastomers and do not leave behind any colour marring or - unlike a conventional rubber mallet - any undesired black marring. The blue TPE-soft insert (series 3201) is the softest insert of the SIMPLEX line and offers strong impact cushioning for work requiring a light touch. The grey, medium hard TPE-mid insert (series 3203) allows for a more powerful impact force that is comparable to that of the composite rubber insert (series 3202). The black, reinforced cast steel housing provides for greater stability thanks to the enlarged wall thicknesses and struts. The increase in weight ensures greater impact force. Extremely rugged and durable, the fibre glass handle offers exceptional break resistance. It is shaped ergonomically and includes a non-slip handle. It possesses a smooth surface and is inorganic (non-sensitive to moisture). In line with the smart SIMPLEX principle, all components are replaceable and can be retrofitted. This translates to savings in both money and resources. This version is available in sizes D30mm and D60mm. Product features: SIMPLEX soft-face mallet with the insert combination of TPE-soft (blue, soft, no marring) / TPE-mid (grey, medium hard, no marring). Reinforced cast steel housing with great stability boosts impact force by adding weight.


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Este distribuidor estará presente en las siguientes ferias

Global Industrie 2025
Global Industrie 2025

11-14 mar. 2025 Lyon (Francia) Stand 3C192

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    * Los precios no incluyen impuestos, gastos de entrega ni derechos de exportación. Tampoco incluyen gastos de instalación o de puesta en marcha. Los precios se dan a título indicativo y pueden cambiar en función del país, del coste de las materias primas y de los tipos de cambio.