Anillo de estanquidad de varilla BCD

Anillo de estanquidad de varilla - BCD  - HOERBIGER Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Anillo de estanquidad de varilla - BCD  - HOERBIGER Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Anillo de estanquidad de varilla - BCD  - HOERBIGER Automatisierungstechnik GmbH - imagen - 2
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CONTRA FUGAS Y DESGASTE PREMATURO Mostrar todo Vida útil prolongada Más corto Reduce significativamente la fuga de gas Loa anillos de sellado BCD de HOERBIGER son adecuados para aplicaciones de gas natural y la industria petroquímica, en particular para la manipulación de gases industriales. Los elementos de sellado robustos también se puede encontrar en la industria de alimentos y embalaje, por ejemplo, en compresor de aire industrial para la producción de botellas PET y en las plantas de cogeneración de calor y electricidad. The patented segmented sealing ring for piston rods is designed for long, maintenance-free operation with minimal leakage. The segment concept is clearly superior to the properties of all existing industrial standards – such as those of the radial or tangential ring. The main segments seal the piston rod and form a gap for wear compensation. Cap segments ensure sealing in the axial and radial directions. This special design assures pressure equalization and guarantees high efficiency over the entire service life. Even during pressurized idle times, leakage rates as much as 70 percent lower than conventional solutions are achieved. The narrow design reduces friction and the related heat build-up. In addition, the gasket is shorter than conventional pressure packings. The service life of the BCD sealing ring is approximately two to three times greater than that of existing solutions, which generally can be replaced with the BCD sealing ring without difficulty.



Este distribuidor estará presente en las siguientes ferias


31 mar. - 04 abr. 2025 Hannover (Alemania) Hall 13 - Stand C16

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