Soldadora por impulsos semiautomática SSV 440
asistida por ordenadorhorizontalde bolsas

soldadora por impulsos semiautomática
soldadora por impulsos semiautomática
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Modo de funcionamiento
semiautomática, asistida por ordenador
Uso previsto
para hojas de aluminio, de bolsas
para embalajes, para la industria alimentaria, para la industria, para productos farmacéuticos, para la logística, para aplicaciones de laboratorio, para productos fitosanitarios, para productos cosméticos, para aplicaciones médicas, para granulados
Longitud de soldadura

Máx.: 640 mm
(25,2 in)

440 mm
(17,32 in)


The Huzap impulse sealing machine offers flexible solutions for welding and sealing plastic bags, big bag spouts, tubular films, and flat films. It ensures a safe and dust-free closure of your packaging materials. These machines provide a permanent bond between plastic films, ensuring that your product remains securely enclosed in the packaging. They can seal both the openings of bags and roll stock, which enhances productivity and improves quality. The safety of your employees is the top priority. The equipment is suitable for open PE flat and side-gusseted bags, whether single or multi-layered, with or without aluminum lamination. A standout model is the SSV 440, a semi-automatic impulse sealing machine designed for sealing filled bags, particularly those made of PE. It handles film widths of up to 440 mm and offers adjustable sealing times, temperatures, and hold times for precise results. The operator manually inserts the open bag ends into the sealing jaws, which are activated via a foot switch. The SSV 440 features height-adjustable components to accommodate various bag sizes. It can also be optionally equipped with an air evacuation system that removes air from the bags, ensuring a clean and tight seal. The sturdy frame, available in standard or stainless steel, makes the machine ideal for industrial environments where hygiene and stability are critical. This solution is adaptable and can be integrated into mobile configurations or conveyor systems to further increase productivity.


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    K-Messe 2025

    8-15 oct. 2025 Düsseldorf (Alemania)

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    * Los precios no incluyen impuestos, gastos de entrega ni derechos de exportación. Tampoco incluyen gastos de instalación o de puesta en marcha. Los precios se dan a título indicativo y pueden cambiar en función del país, del coste de las materias primas y de los tipos de cambio.