Pirómetro digital Smart CellaCombustion PX 17
IO-Linkestacionariopara gas de combustión

Pirómetro digital - Smart CellaCombustion PX 17 - Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions) - IO-Link / estacionario / para gas de combustión
Pirómetro digital - Smart CellaCombustion PX 17 - Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions) - IO-Link / estacionario / para gas de combustión
Pirómetro digital - Smart CellaCombustion PX 17 - Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions) - IO-Link / estacionario / para gas de combustión - imagen - 2
Pirómetro digital - Smart CellaCombustion PX 17 - Keller ITS (Infrared Temperature Solutions) - IO-Link / estacionario / para gas de combustión - imagen - 3
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Sistema de visualización
para gas de combustión

Mín.: 400 °C
(752 °F)

Máx.: 2.000 °C
(3.632 °F)


The CellaCombustion PX 17 uses a specific wavelength, in which hot carbon-containing combustion gases have a high optical density and therefore good radiation properties. The infrared pyrometer is used to measure the temperature of hot CO2 inside the combustion chambers of power plants, combustion processes and waste incinerators. The depth penetration depends on the CO2 concentration of the hot gas. With its focusable optics and the through-the-lens sighting or the video camera, the CellaCombustion PX 17 can be precisely aligned.



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