Sistema de medición de migración C830
de laboratorio

Sistema de medición de migración - C830 - Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd. - de laboratorio
Sistema de medición de migración - C830 - Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd. - de laboratorio
Sistema de medición de migración - C830 - Labthink Instruments Co., Ltd. - de laboratorio - imagen - 2
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de migración
de laboratorio


C830H Migration & Non-volatile-matter Content Tester is one highly integrated, high efficiency and automatic tester for determination of migration and non-volatile matter contents, which can be widely used for determination of migration of various packaging materials for food and their products, non-volatile contents of packaging materials for pharmaceuticals, total solids, water and fat of food, water and insoluble substances of pharmaceuticals and food additives. The instrument supports fast evaporation mode and efficient reagent recycling function so that water, trichloromethane, acetic acid, ethanol, n-hexane and other reagents can be used to improve the testing efficiency. Test Principle Total Migration The specimen shall be soaked in the solution which is simulator of various food. When the solution is evaporated to dryness, the total migration of non-volatile contents can be measured and calculated. Non-volatile-matter Content The specimen shall be soaked in standard reagent. When the reagent and blank liquid bath are evaporated to dryness, the total weight of non-volatile-matter contents can be obtained by comparing with the blank liquid. Test Standards ISO 759-1981, GB 31604.8-2016, GB/T 9740-2008, YBB00342002-2015 and YBB00132002-2015, etc.


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