Todos los productos de PURION GmbH
PURION UV plants for disinfection and purification of water and liquids
PURION UV plants for disinfection of air within air conditioning plants
PURION UV plants for mobile UV disinfection of air and surfaces
PURION UV plants for disinfection and purification of air in closed systems with active turnover of the air
PURION UV plants for disinfection of process air
PURION UV plants for disinfection of air and surfaces via direct or indirect irradiation
Combined PURION UV disinfection of air and illumination
- Unidad de desinfección
- Unidad de desinfección por UV
- Unidad de desinfección de agua
- Climatizador industrial
- Purificador de aire móvil
- Purificador de aire de techo
- Purificador de aire luz ultravioleta
- Climatizador empotrable
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