Cámara de pruebas de mesa
con lámpara de arco de xenón

Cámara de pruebas de mesa - Sanwood Technology - con lámpara de arco de xenón
Cámara de pruebas de mesa - Sanwood Technology - con lámpara de arco de xenón
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Fuente luminosa
con lámpara de arco de xenón


Simulated sunlight In the natural climate, solar radiation is considered to be the main cause of coating aging, and the principle of exposure radiation under window glass is the same.B-sun's xenon lamp is the most realistic representation of full-spectrum sunlight, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared light.For many materials, full spectrum exposure is required to provide accurate simulations, especially for color change and sun fastness testing. The biggest difference between the A-SUN xenon lamp weathering test chamber and other domestic brands is that the radiation energy during the whole test is controllable and automatically adjusted. It is well known that the energy of the test process is the most important factor causing the aging of polymer materials. In order to ensure the reproducibility and comparability of test results, radiant energy is a very important technical indicator. We use the principle similar to the sun's eye to automatically monitor the energy value of the test process. When the aging of the lamp does not reach the energy value set by the test, the system can automatically monitor and automatically replenish it immediately.



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Xenon Lamp Weathering Test Chamber

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