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Sonda de conductividad SPS33
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sonda de conductividad
sonda de conductividad
sonda de conductividad
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The ADCATrol SPS33 conductivity probe is typically used in steam applications to measure the conductivity of superheated boiler water, condensate or feedwater. The probe is used in conjunction with an ADCATrol BCS controller and a VPC series TDS blowdown control valve. Water contains impurities in the form of dissolved solids and solids in suspension, whose concentration increases during vaporization. Water treatment can reduce impurities to a certain degree, however these are not completely eliminated and, in certain conditions, might even increase. As steam production starts, there is an undesirable increase in boiler water TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) concentration. If not taken care of, the high concentration can lead to problems such as water foaming, reduced boiler performance and wet steam. Contamination of the steam may occur, resulting in system damage further ahead, such as corrosion, scaling, salt incrustations on heat transfer surfaces, among other problems. Furthermore, the high concentration is harmful and is not acceptable in applications where steam is used for treatment of food, drinks and in sterilization processes. For these reasons, a certain amount of boiler water must be discharged continuously or periodically to ensure TDS concentration is kept within the recommended parameters. SIZES AND CONNECTIONS: Male threaded ISO 228 1/2''


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