Aavid Thermalloy
Quiénes somos
Con más producción, Aavid Thermalloy es el proveedor de sistemas de disipación de calor elegido por las empresas líderes del sector tecnológico. Nuestros clientes se pueden beneficiar no sólo de nuestra capacidad única de suministrar una gama completa de soluciones avanzadas para la disipación de calor, sino también de la asistencia técnica ofrecida por nuestros centros de ingeniería, nuestras plantas de producción globales y la profesionalidad de nuestro equipo de ventas. Aavid dispone de la oferta de productos más amplia de la industria que va desde las soluciones más pequeñas aptas para placas electrónicas hasta las aplicaciones industriales de varios miles de kilovatios. Los productos Aavid se emplean en una gran variedad de aplicaciones que incluyen ordenadores personales, servidores, telecomunicaciones, instrumentación, equipos médicos, unidades SAI, transporte, aplicaciones industriales y energías renovables entre otras muchas.

Nuestros valores
Aavid Thermalloy is committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct. These standards reflect our core values. We believe that adherence to these standards ensures our long-term success, even though we may decide to forgo some perceived near-term business opportunities. Regardless of their positions with the company or their locations, we expect the business behavior of all employees to conform to these statements:
We provide quality products and services, delivered on time and at competitive prices
We are sensitive to all forms of conflict of interest
Our business practices are in accordance with our standards and we hold our outside consultants and representatives to the same high standards
We are especially careful when engaged in sensitive areas such as competitive intelligence gathering, lobbying or political activities
We handle company assets prudently
Our communications and records are accurate, complete and timely
In international dealings, we are always aware of the differing cultures and business practices that will likely be encountered
We ensure that all company operations and products are safe and environmentally sound
We communicate with competitors only under appropriate circumstances and in strict accordance with the law
Our Code of Ethics can also be expressed in these commitments to the stakeholders we serve:
Our Customers
Unless we consistently fulfill our customers' needs, we cannot serve any of our other stakeholders. Thus, we are committed to providing high quality products and services at competitive prices. We constantly strive for technical excellence. We are forthright and honest in our communications and transactions with customers.
Our Shareholders
We are committed to providing a superior return to our shareholders. We are also committed to protecting and improving the value of their investment through the prudent utilization of corporate resources and by observing the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct in all our business dealings.
Our Employees
Our employees are the Company's most precious resource. As such, we are committed to treating one another fairly and to providing a challenging work environment. We respect each other's privacy and treat each other with dignity and respect regardless of age, race, color, gender, sexual preference, religion, or nationality. We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions and an atmosphere of open communication.
Our Suppliers
We deal openly and honestly with our suppliers. We encourage competition and, at the same time, value long term relationships with our suppliers.
Our Communities
Aavid Thermalloy is a good corporate citizen and we encourage all of our people to be good citizens. We respect the environment and natural resources.