Grupo: I-care Group
I-care Group
Quiénes somos
Since 2004, I-care group has become world renowned and has positioned itself as a leader in predictive maintenance and reliability. The strong growth of our company allowed us to be present on different continents and to be established in many countries.
I-care's activities are grouped around services related to predictive maintenance and reliability solutions. For this we use monitoring tools that track the health of your production tools and increase your productivity. Our mission is to help you optimize your maintenance plans and production shutdowns to better control your costs. We also offer training and coaching in these areas.
In addition, the Wi-care and I-see solutions developed by I-care fully meet your expectations in terms of maintenance 4.0. Our technology enables tracking, remote analysis and alarm threshold programming, reducing time and travel constraints while providing advanced diagnostics on the status of your equipment.
To meet your needs, I-care focuses on technological innovation by developing its own range of tools and wireless software dedicated to Maintenance 4.0: Wi-care ™ and I-see ™. They allow us a complete predictive analysis for maintenance thanks to different technologies such as vibration, infrared thermography, ultrasound and oil analysis.
Nuestros valores
La calidad de nuestros servicios está garantizada a través de nuestros compromisos de flexibilidad, independencia, resultados y experiencia técnica. De hecho, nuestros lemas son MISIÓN / AMBICIÓN / VALORES:
Ofrecemos solo soluciones industriales probadas, implementadas, probadas y validadas por usuarios exigentes cada
día. Nos adaptamos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, teniendo en cuenta su know-how interno en Mantenimiento y Confiabilidad Predictivos.
Nuestra ambición es establecer un nuevo estándar de excelencia en el mantenimiento predictivo y la confiabilidad.
- RESPETO POR EL SER HUMANO: Bienestar: seguridad, salud, asistencia social, ergonomía, higiene y trabajo, Diviértase, Humildad.
Honestidad, espíritu de equipo, juego limpio, confianza, lealtad, autotrascendencia
- DESEMPEÑO: Profesionalidad, Satisfacción, Excelencia, Innovación, Eficiencia, Habilidades, Sentido de responsabilidad.
- SOSTENIBILIDAD: Independencia, Innovación, Crecimiento, Expansión, Ética, Rentabilidad, Inversión, Aprendizaje Continuo.