Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH
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Spectrum - the expert for ultrafast and high-resolution digitizers and AWGs
Spectrum is a pioneer in PC-based test and measurement instruments with a focus on special solutions for the electronic generation, acquisition and analysis of analog and digital signals.
Specialization for maximum efficiency
As a specialist for innovative and efficient solutions, Spectrum invests its expertise in the continuous further development and production of
- ultrafast digitizer,
- high-resolution digitizer and
- Arbitrary generators (AWG) in the mega and gigasample per second power range.
Spectrum's current product portfolio comprises more than 400 modular products. Each of these innovative product solutions is compatible with the industry standards PCIe (PCI Express), PXIe (PXI Express), PXI, PCI, PCI-X, LXI (Ethernet based) and Compact PCI. Depending on the product, the analog resolution is 8 bit, 12 bit, 14 bit and 16 bit.
Combined with powerful software, Spectrum product solutions perform a wide variety of measurement and analysis functions for numerous standard instruments. Instruments such as data loggers, FFT spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, long-term recordings (FIFO), pattern generators or transient recorders serve as examples. In addition, the product solutions support multi-channel data acquisition.
Efficient solution for OEM and automated tests
Spectrum product solutions are characterised by their small size and compact design. These properties make them suitable for automated tests in application areas with integrated and fast A/D and D/A technology. Practical examples are the development of automated test systems for electronics, science or defence or OEMs.
Spectrum products deliver reliable and reliable test results from numerous areas within a very short time. These include in extracts mentioned sonar, radar, spectroscopy, ultrasound, particle and high-energy physics, electronic defense technology or mechanical analysis. These solutions provide chemical analyses with the highest accuracy as well as meaningful results in semiconductor and component testing or in medical technology.
Optimum interaction of software and virtual instruments
Spectrum products always consist of the hardware itself and an appropriate software package for Windows and Linux. The delivered software supports various programming languages. These include C/C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Python, C#, NET, LabView, MATLAB as well as IVI and LabWindows.
A free basic version of Spectrum's SBench 6 measurement software solution for Linux and Windows is also included with every delivery. Combined with the latest PC technology and innovative software, the high-quality Spectrum measurement cards are transformed into virtual measurement and analysis devices.
All Spectrum products are covered by a 5-year manufacturer's warranty.
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