systec Controls
Quiénes somos
Hello and welcome to systec
systec Controls is an innovative company on the field of flow-measurement and environmental measuring methods. The most striking example for our activities is the development of the deltaflow integrating-pitot tube. Its special profile has introduced a new dimension of dp-measurement.
Moreover systec Controls is an experienced partner for ultrasonic flow-measurement solutions. Clamp-on or in-line systems, filled or partially filled pipes, transparent or contaminated media, systec Controls can offer an ultrasonic solution.

Nuestros valores
Since 2006 systec supplies gas mass flow meters to the automotive industries. This new tecnology offers unique advantages for engine manufactureres: High resistance to contaminations like blow-by, an extrodernary high life time and highest accuracies even for pulsating flows. With this technology systec contributes to the reduction of polluting gases, increases the engine efficency and helps manufactureres to fulfill the envirnomental regulations and standards.
systec Controls – advantage for our customers through a leader position on a high technology market – this is our objective.
systec Controls History
Managing Director
Quality @ systec